Josephine hasn’t been feeling exactly chipper of late…in fact, melancholy might be a better description of her mood.  But even Josephine knows that moods come and go.   And so she’s embracing this one and learning to dance with it, too.

Melancholy Polka for blog

(The greeting card version is now available in my shop at Etsy.)


  1. ma says:

    very sweet! I love the touch of red on the heel. Perfect! Mel would love to see this one.
    I love you, my melancholy baby. Mm

    • Joana says:

      Hi Meh-meh,

      Yes, the touch of red on the heel means that the shoes are Christian Laboutins…or fancy schmancy in the world of fashionista shoes.[?]

      I’ll send a copy to Mel and ask what she thinks.

      I lurve you, pxl

      On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 10:06 PM, JOANA MIRANDA STUDIO wrote:


  2. deborah says:

    Hi Joana, this will be one of my favorite, love everything on it.
    The red umbrella is an excellent eye catching and the grey trees on the background are really well rendered, it’s not polish it’s a sentiment , a mood on paper.
    It seems to tell us that there is always a spot of light, also on our gray days, and a friend that always look at us. The red umbrella can be the love, above us that give the right protection from the rain of life.
    It’s like a poem.

    • Joana says:

      Hi Deborah,

      Your comment made my day! Years ago I did an illustration that my father really liked. He said that it was “poetic.” Maybe he would have liked this one, too. In any case, I wanted to create a card that I could send in response to condolence cards I have received. I didn’t feel like it should be light-hearted, but I also didn’t want it to be dreary. This was the 2nd version of the illustration (my husband said that the first one was too sad.)

      I hope you are doing well. Has spring “sprung” in Italy? How will you celebrate Easter? I was in Rome about 5 years ago during the Easter holiday. I loved seeing the beautiful shop windows filled with the treats…mmm!

      A big hug, Joana

      On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 4:02 AM, JOANA MIRANDA STUDIO wrote:


  3. natella111 says:

    Love it! So beautiful! I love the rain so much and melancholy mood can at times bring peace and nostalgia can be nice too 🙂 Laboutins are really cool too! 🙂

    • Joana says:

      Thank you so much, Natella!

      I don’t own any Laboutins myself, but a girl can always dream, right? [?] And speaking of shoes, someday I might just try on a pair of Manola Blahniks…except I bet that once I’ve tried them on I won’t want to wear anything else.

      Hope you have a great week! Joana

      On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 9:34 AM, JOANA MIRANDA STUDIO wrote:


  4. Helen Reich says:

    Even if she’s melancholy, she still gets to show off those mazing, other-worldly legs! And I think the red sole is a nice touch, echoing the red of the umbrella.

    • Joana says:

      Thanks, Helen!

      I just started gardening…well, cleaning up our balcony is more like it. My favorite pedestal urn crumbled at the base, so I’ll have to replace it. And I might also replace two stone-looking pots that I had in Milwaukee that have claw and teeth marks from the Milwaukee squirrels. Sheesh, I’m already contemplating a rather large outlay of money and trips to the store and I haven’t even gotten a single plant yet!

      What’s growing in your garden? Will your raspberry bushes have survived the harsh winter?

      XOX – Joana

      On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 4:18 PM, JOANA MIRANDA STUDIO wrote:


      • Helen Reich says:

        Oh, raspberries never have a problem overwintering! Not around here, in any case. Right now, there’s not much to see except a kale plant that survived the winter under that big cozy snow cover, and you know, some croci. I can see some early daffodils putting up their shoots, some with buds.

        • Joana says:

          Hi Helen,

          I’m glad to hear that the raspberries will have survived the harsh winter just fine! We’re at my mom’s house in Oberlin right now and the daffodils and croci are coming up…but some of her little trees and shrubs show signs of frost-bite (brown tips). And since it snowed on Monday, many of the patches of daffodils are only now trying to perk up their little heads. Poor little dears…

          XOX – Joana

          On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 6:46 PM, JOANA MIRANDA STUDIO wrote:


    • Joana says:

      Hi Susan,

      Someone made a similar comment on my FB page! I was thinking more NY than Paris, but I do so love all of the European touches that I see in NYC. I think that is why I feel so at home in this city…well, that, and also the public transportation. I really enjoy – at least most of the time – seeing so many different people and hearing so many different languages being spoken. I also love that walking outside is a natural part of my day-to-day schedule.

      I hope you are doing well and having fun with your creations!

      With all best wishes, Joana

      On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 10:15 AM, JOANA MIRANDA STUDIO wrote:


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